Thursday 30 September 2021



1. There were nine titles displayed during the opening sequence to the film. The producers decided to show so many titles to give the film pedigree and to influence possible new audience by showing them familiar names. In which would also create more publicity and catch the audiences attention. 

2. The images that were prioritised in the opening sequence include the nightclub and the small shop.  This is prioritised because it opens up the setting and the establishing scene which shows where we are and what type of culture we are watching; which is the Islamic culture meaning the nightclub has a mixture of cultures. Since this is a Bollywood film they don't have intimate scenes. 

3. The connotations of said nightclub and shop include the introduction of two characters those being the brother and the father. Within the nightclub is Bhangra music and a Bollywood film in the background being projected on the wall. This highlighted the culture of those within the club. 

4. The genre is reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset by use of audio and camera angles. Within the start of the film after Tahara and Casim had run through the school into the music room 'coincidentally' being introduced to the music teacher in which Casim experiences a forbidden romance with. We first pick up the connection between them with a close up to Casims face after her had met the music teacher. They also showed a POV (point of view) shot through the door as Casim. The use of audio is also very important, it because a gentle sweet tune after their first encounter together. Said audio is what gave the name to the film in which is a poem. 

5. The film establishes enigma from the outset via Taharas speech. Through said speech we learn that she attends a Catholic school. Yet she is not a Catholic she is Muslim. Which is her family's religion. As her brother falls in love with a Catholic girl whilst being Muslim; each of them supposedly have their lives planned out for them. 

6. The use of Bhangra music appeals towards the Pakistani audience, whilst the choice of main actors may appeal more towards a younger audience. The choice of setting in Glasgow may appeal to a Glaswegian audience too. 

7. The technology has been used very efficiently. For example There is a pan shot over the skyline of Glasgow, and the use of editing is also very efficient as we have a certain scenes within the nightclub and then we are shown a shop. These are very different settings yet they merge together due to the smooth transitions.


FILM OPENING GRACE CLARE 1976 I worked with Millie Levine 1997, Olivia Davies 1921 and Ollie Hill 1942. Our brief was to make the titles and...