CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION 2: How would you distribute your film? 

Distributors are responsible for identifying a film's target audience, thinking of ways to promote it to them and then making sure it's shown in enough places for them to see it.

This is the advertisement poster for the film. 
I had created this on powerpoint.

This is an example of the pinterest boards we created.
This is one of them. I made this on the pinterest app
then exported it to my laptop.

This is an image from behind the scenes.
The scene of which Millie L is chase by Ollie H.
This was just taken with an iphone the exported 
to my laptop.

Here is behind the scenes of Millie L and Ollie H.
Again taken on an iphone and shared to the laptop.

Here is another behind the scenes image of Ollie H photographing
Millie L to the print and place on the pinboard and use as a prop.
A photo taken by myself that I then exported to my laptop.

I have used many different platforms to create this film opening and all the other posters and promotion. For example I used powerpoint to create the poster for the film because I wanted to use something that is easy and extremely accessible. My group and I also researched into the use of pinterest; as a group we wanted to design and choose the aesthetic of how we want the film to look. We were intending to select images we liked and then put them onto a document and publish it on the blog. Yet pinterest was better suited and we all enjoyed using it and it was super accessible. I a very happy with how the images came out and how they were put together. We could also create multiple different albums and divide the images. All the research we collected is gathered in the pinterest albums. To created my questionnaire I used google forms and I had some fantastic results I had many responses and made some interesting discoveries. 
We used the hot-seat on the characters from within the film. 

When creating the film I used my skills that I had collected and learnt from the preliminary exercises. I learnt how to add the text to a film how to use iMovie and I learnt all of the different camera angles. This was all proved very useful when coming to create, film and edit my film opening. We worked as a team and put all our knowledge together. I would like to make a special mention for Ollie H as he did most the editing and directing. Whilst myself and the other girls did a lot of behind the scenes work as finding sounds and images myself and the other girls also took a lot of pictures and typed everything up. I came up with the idea of a genius girl that has full access to her brain, yet as we were a team we decided to build of that and we all incorporated all our ideas. 

Looking back at the whole process to evaluate myself and what I did. I would have loved to have done some more editing I feel like I am not as skilled as Ollie H. Yet I would love for one of the members of my group share their knowledge and tricks with me so I can learn and start to edit more. I would also potentially like to act within my next project and take on the role as a character for the film. The final area in which I would improve would be creating a production logo and having that at the start of the project. As a group I do believe we should improve our communication and split the work fairly and allow everyone to access the editing and the film. I just feel as if we should have shared more of the workload. 


From the FutureLearn course that I am following Distribution: Connecting Films With Audiences, I know that all products are targeted at specific audiences. I needed to plan how to reach my target audience. Therefore, I needed to know who they are (factors that may be relevant include age, gender, ethnicity, social class), what their media needs are (so that I could produce a product that they will want) and how to reach them (to market my film). I will show how my research has shaped and  influenced my planning. I started by investigating how brands define audiences in preparation for creating my own audience profile for my AS Foundation Production. I used this to identify my target audience. I based my audience profile by the way popular big brands target our audience; as I wanted a younger audience I selected brands that tend to be more popular within a younger age group (adolescent/youth). I researched these main three brands; Sky, NME and Bauer Media

Creating a strong hook. The audience needs to be 'hooked' within the first 5-10mins. Hook the reader A technique in the opening of a story that hooks the reader/audience; it's basically a first impression. The first image is crucial they need to want to know what happens next. Some techniques include building suspense(thrillers/horrors), create excitement and anticipation (action/adventures), engage with emotions or make people laugh. That is what a good hook can create.  A good film will hook their audience. 

Click here to access the YouTube video shown above.

Mark Batey; Chief executive FDA

Kezia Williams; Head of Theatrical Distribution, Entertainment One UK

Debunking Common Meditation Myths by Grace Clare

I created a visual collage of the different ways of marketing and advertising a movie, in this case, the popular movie, 'Emma'. I included elements such as:
  • Film Posters
  • Trailers (YouTube)
  • News reports/reviews 
  • Social Media Platforms (e.g Instagram, Facebook)
  • Personalised Merchandise 
  • The Film Website 

The Posters

Emma is “Handsome, clever and rich” we’re told on the first poster (by marketing agency P+A). She’s shown standing and looking ready to match wits with all comers, perched on a flat rock on the edge of a massive estate garden. The plants in the foreground look deliberately fake while the background looks like a matte painting, giving the poster the look of a stage production of sorts. It’s a great look. “Love knows best” is the copy used on the second poster, released in mid-January), which adds Mr. Knightly and Mr. Churchill, both of whom play significant roles in the story, to either side of Emma in the same setting. A series of character posters came out that shows more of those in Emma’s social sphere, also in the same background. Using the same setting for the entire poster campaign creates a great sense of brand consistency, all while presenting the movie like a stage play. 

The Trailer

As the first trailer (4.3 million views on YouTube), released in November, makes clear, this is not a traditional take on Jane Austen’s material. All the story elements might be there – though the trailer doesn’t take pains to communicate them in any sort of linear fashion – but the attitude is much more arch and comedic. It’s a fast-paced trailer that shows the material is every bit as malleable as other classics, even if you keep the time period setting.

Online and Social

The movie’s official website uses the standard Focus Features site template but offers a lot more content than has been seen on other recent efforts. For the most part that takes the form of curated social updates that offer behind the scenes and other looks at the production and stars. There are also profiles on the major social platforms.

Advertising and Promotions

A 60-second commercial was released last week that cuts the story down slightly while retaining everything about the sense of humour the movie contains. Emma is presented as a wilful and slightly subversive young woman, seeking to manoeuvre those in her orbit into marriages, all while oblivious to the romance in front of her.


The BFI (British Film Institute) are a television and film charitable organisation, promoting films and shows in the UK. The BFI distributes new independent features and classic re-releases across the UK and around the world. From Bait's film website I learned about the film festivals where it was screened, how to view it, what its marketing materials were made up of, it's USPs etc. The production 'Bait' was screened at the Berlin International Film Festival on the 9th of February 2019. It can be accessed to watch on BFI Player, All 4, BFI Player Amazon Channel and Virgin TV Go. The film 'Bait' is a British drama based in Cornwall, featuring Edward Rowe who plays as a struggling fisherman who deals with tension between the locals and tourists from a Cornish fishing village. When released, it was promoted on various platforms and
materials such as via social media. 
Bait by Grace Clare 
How did my production skills DEVELOP throughout the project by Grace Clare

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FILM OPENING GRACE CLARE 1976 I worked with Millie Levine 1997, Olivia Davies 1921 and Ollie Hill 1942. Our brief was to make the titles and...