Tuesday 30 November 2021



Film Certificates are decided and awarded by the British Board of Film Classification. The BBFC watches films and videos all the way through and awards an age rating and insight to each one.The BBFC uses published Classification Guidelines for certain age ranges, ensuring that the content of the film is age appropriate and that children or young people do not see films that are unsuitable for them.

I researched how the BBFC classifies films by studying their website. I learned that a certificate may have strong language and may show violence. but is must not dwell on the infliction of pain and injury. Whilst a 15 certificate film may contain threat or horror, a sustained focus on sadistic threat is not acceptable. Therefore, as our film does not contain any of the other unacceptable categories (like dangerous behavior, drugs, discrimination, nudity or sex/sexual violence), I came to the considered opinion that our film EXTRACTION would be likely to receive a 15 certificate. 

To make my certificate I found a suitable template and edited it in Powerpoint.

Wednesday 24 November 2021


To explore the character and directors aims in this movie, I set up a hot seat interview, questioning Ollie who plays the character of the stalker, as well as being the director himself. This enables viewers to analyse the story and gain a more in-depth idea of the plot and motive. When directors create character roles, they try and get the actors to inhabit the role and make it as realistic and believable to the audience that they are who they're acting as. From the interview I was able to learn things such as why this movie is unique and different to other productions, furthermore acknowledging the influences such as Elon Musk and science

Tuesday 23 November 2021




A risk assessment is necessary to avoid any injuries or dangers which we may come in contact with throughout our filming. This table below presents these possible dangers and how we avoided them. I categorised this table into the main themed risks: Location/Environment, Weather and General Public. 

These are all the factors which could be dangerous and are highlighted as risks to us. For example, we identified the fact there were rabbit holes where we were filming, factors of which may be dangerous to us due to if we accident stood in one it may injure us.

This is judged with labels, HM or L, standing for high, medium and low, judging the health hazard by how dangerous it is. None of our risks we discovered were labelled H, mostly medium and low. An example of this is when we labelled the rain risk as M due to the rain wasn't an extremely significant risk, however it could effect us when filming.

This is a list of how and why the health hazards are dangerous, for example, we evaluated the 'trespassing' problem by explaining that being found in a location which we weren't given permission to film in may result in us being banned from there or just get in trouble with the teachers. 

This box explains how to avoid the dangers and reduce the risk of them, such as wear more layers of clothing to avoid the cold weather when filming.

Tuesday 16 November 2021



Call sheet 3

Date of shots 16th of November 

Filmed at The Belvedere Tower at Claremont Gardens , in which you can see here on the map. 

Crew members include:

Name: Olivia D
Number: 07*******64
Email: LivLovesPonies@gmail.com

Name: Millie L
Number: 07*******23
Email: MillieMillie2005@hotmail.com

Name: Ollie H
Number: 07*******21
Email: OllieWollie@outlook.com

Name: Grace C
Number: 07*******92
Email: GracieC1889@icloud.com

Used to Film:
IOS 14.2 iPhone 11 Pro Max Camera 

Used for Lighting:
IOS 14.2 iPhone 11 Pro Max torch light 

iPhone x2
Headphones x1 

Millie L - Black hoodie, headphones, school uniform
Ollie H - Full suit in black

Monday 15 November 2021



Call sheet 2

Date of shots 15th of November 

Filmed at The Belvedere Tower at Claremont Gardens , in which you can see here on the map. 

Crew members include:

Name: Olivia D
Number: 07*******64
Email: LivLovesPonies@gmail.com

Name: Millie L
Number: 07*******23
Email: MillieMillie2005@hotmail.com

Name: Ollie H
Number: 07*******21
Email: OllieWollie@outlook.com

Name: Grace C
Number: 07********92
Email: GracieC1889@icloud.com

Used to Film:
IOS 14.2 iPhone 11 Pro Max Camera 

Used for Lighting:
IOS 14.2 iPhone 11 Pro Max torch light 

iPhone x1
Headphones x1 
Coffee Mug x1

Millie L - Black hoodie, headphones, school uniform
Ollie H - Full suit in black
Grace C - Lab Coat and suit/smart attire 

Thursday 11 November 2021




Call sheet 1

Date of shots 11th of November 

Filmed at Claremont Fan Court school (outside), in which you can see here on the map.

Crew members include:

Name: Olivia D
Number: 07********64
Email: LivLovesPonies@gmail.com

Name: Millie L
Number: 07*******23
Email: MillieMillie2005@hotmail.com

Name: Ollie H
Number: 07*******21
Email: OllieWollie@outlook.com

Name: Grace C
Number: 07*******92
Email: GracieC1889@icloud.com

Used to Film:
IOS 14.2 iPhone 11 Pro Max Camera 

Used for Lighting:
IOS 14.2 iPhone 11 Pro Max torch light 

iPhone x2
Laptop x3
Headphones x1

Millie L - Black hoodie, headphones, school uniform
Ollie H - Full suit in black
Olivia D - Smart work attire 



The initial establishing shot presents a high end dress shop which initially introduces the audience to three actors, a male shop assistant, a higher class woman and a women who we discover is unable to pay for her chosen item as it's out of her price limit. The female characters contrast each other in the way of which one customer seems to fit in perfectly, picking out a luxurious dress and dressed in fancy clothes, however the other is made to feel less important and uncomfortable, due to being unable to purchase an item. The high angle shot used when meeting the first women, looks down on her, making her look smaller and less important, and highlighting her shabby, untidy appearance. The audience are able to gain an understanding that she doesn't below there and isn't a common customer. This contrasts against the other female, whose clothes are pristine and from the high end, and hair and makeup immaculate, making her out to be from the middle to upper class. Her character matches the shop assistants presentation, being smart and agile. 

The dialogue between the shop assistant and the first women discuss the pricing of a dress, and allow the audience to construct an idea of each character and the way in which they are treated defines their status. His hands are kept behind his back whilst talking to her, and nose stuck up in a patronising manner. The dialogue between this women and the higher class women is significantly obvious. This is evident in the way he initially doesn't mention the actual price of the garment to the first women, instead offers her a lower deal due to her appearance and less wealthy manner, unlike the second women who asks for a specific brand- which may be due to her previously buying something from the brand. We are also able to identify her as quite spoilt and wealthy through the hand gestures used when trying on the dress, flexing the bright diamond ring on her hand. Furthermore, the use of her hand gestures and excitement in the fitting room presents her as childish and giddy. The directors use tilt paterminology from foot to head of the wealthy customer trying on the expensive new evening dress which is done purposefully to construct her as the sort of client that the shop assistant wants to impress as she is slim and makes the dress look beautiful; by ending the camera movement on her face, the audience sees her vain reaction to her image in the mirror which furthermore presents her character and arrogance.

The scene is then switched to a gentlemen's club, where we are introduced to more characters, two elderly men and a younger man, who we discover is trying to become employed by the elders, to participate in their mischievous plans. The room is glamorous and filled with expensive items such as glass cups and silk table cloths, and the men and all dressed in deluxe suits with shiny cufflinks and pristine handkerchiefs folded in their pockets. The elder men are seen to be interviewing the younger man, and impressing them with glasses of whisky and serious conversation, in order to hopefully recruit him in their mischievous plans. The two shot camera angles are used to show the exchange conversation between the client and interviewer. When this is happening, mirroring is used to show what they both have in common, and present the fact they're on board with the discussion. The camera is then flashed back to the shop scene, where the wealthy women creates a dramatic scene about losing her diamond ring which she explains her husband brought her. She rushes off and clarifies that if the shop assistant or anyone in the shop finds her ring, they'll get £5000. The audience later discover this is all a planned out scheme which results in her work partner finding the ring and getting paid money by the shop assistant in return for handing him the found ring. The audience become instantly engaged when this is discovered and become eager to find out more about this business and their devious plans. 

Thursday 4 November 2021



To create the poster style presentation of my comp list I used a website called 'Canva', a editing website that allows you to select a template and is super accessible and easy to work with. 
Debunking Common Meditation Myths by Grace Clare

Tuesday 2 November 2021



From the FutureLearn course that I am following Distribution: Connecting Films With Audiences, I know that all products are targeted at specific audiences. I needed to plan how to reach my target audience. Therefore, I needed to know who they are (factors that may be relevant include age, gender, ethnicity, social class), what their media needs are (so that I could produce a product that they will want) and how to reach them (to market my film). I will show how my research has shaped and  influenced my planning. I started by investigating how brands define audiences in preparation for creating my own audience profile for my AS Foundation Production. I investigated how Bauer Media define their audiences. 

This is my interpretation. Of my target audience, what they like and what would engage them. 



I am using Google forms to create a questionnaire for my target audience and send it to people who are likely to watch our film. I will ask questions referring to age, gender, what types of films they prefer to watch, what influences them to watch a film and where they prefer to watch it. Our production team want to make a film that would appeal to young people aged 15-35. Our questionnaire will be useful to ensure that our type of genre will appeal to this audience. Through the use of Google Forms I will be able to collect this data.

These are the questions I intend to ask:
(Opening message) I would be grateful if you complete this short survey on films and what you prefer

1.  What is your gender?
2.  What age category do you fit into?
3.  Which of these your film genres would you watch? Pick as many as you wish.
4.  What was the last film you watched?
5.  What platform would you most likely use to watch a film?
6.  Which of these trailers have you seen?
7.  Which of these platforms would you use to find out about films?
8.  What is the most likely reason you would watch a new film?

This is how I can find my target audience from using these answers to the questionnaire. I used google forms to create said questionnaire. I sent it to my peers and teachers. I received great feedback; not only with the questionnaire, I received multiple compliments on the layout and how easy it was for them to access and complete. 


FILM OPENING GRACE CLARE 1976 I worked with Millie Levine 1997, Olivia Davies 1921 and Ollie Hill 1942. Our brief was to make the titles and...